Ah! Love..., a multi-sensory read for Valentine's Day
Ah! Love… is an original creation by the Compagnie du A of actress Charlotte Assemat, which was created especially for Valentine's Day 2020 and presented at the Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Inguimbertine in Carpentras (France).
This reading show, combining reading (Charlotte Assemat and David Teysseyre), music (Jessika Tinkler) and olfaction (Christèle Jacquemin), was an opportunity to read again a number of writings on this hot topic.
Ah! Love…, tumults, ups and downs, contradictory sensations and invisible feelings that pass through us like an arrow, an indelible marker on our life path, between animal instinct and the will to control.
It is this complete portrait of love that I wanted to transcribe in this fragrance, between shadow and light.
Because what captivates in love is this loss of control of the senses, this fragrance combines unexpected ingredients that at first glance seem to be opposed.
Indian cypriol, oud, costus, styrax, so many olfactory materials that make our animal fiber vibrate from within, which I curl up in the sweetness and roundness of caramel, sugar and tolu.
Maybe that's what Love is after all.